Digital Badges

What are digital badges?

The Global Digital Assurance (GDA) digital badges are clickable, graphic representation of the training undertaken and best practice accreditations awarded to you – by us. They can be shown on a social networking profile, embedded into an email signature or web page and also shared through email or social media platforms.

Unlike paper certificates, digital badges make it easy for you to demonstrate and quickly verify  your competencies and achievements to employers, clients and peers online. Each digital badge has a unique URL that can be shared electronically via social media, in your email signature, on your CV, and more.

What makes GDA digital badges special?

The GDA digital badges are the world’s only electronic accreditation for assurance professionals.

The issuing of the highly secure GDA digital badge, ensures that each and every accredited assurance professional is certified to assurance best practices, and has been assessed by our expert panel of assessors.

The digital badge also allows organisations to instantly verify the credentials of assurance professionals, so as to be able to progress with confidence when selecting assurance review teams for their business-critical program or project assurance reviews.

Who is eligible for a digital badge?

We currently award digital badges for the following best practice accreditations:

Why use digital badges?

Digital badges help you gain recognition by allowing you to safely and easily display and share your achievements. As they are available online, they are portable and transparent, and the detail behind each badge means others can see what it took for you to earn the award.

Digital badges are especially valued by those whose professional careers and achievements are represented on careers and networking sites such as LinkedIn. According to LinkedIn research, profiles with certifications and badges receive six times the number of profile views.

What are “digital credentials” ?

About Digital Credentials

How to claim & share your GDA digital badge?

  1. Successfully complete your selected GDA accreditation course
  2. You will receive an email from Credly with your GDA digital badge, aligned to the accreditation you successfully completed
  3. ACCEPT your digital badge (and set up a Credly account if you do not have one)
  4. SHARE your GDA digital badge to your online networks, use in your signature block or make it part of your CV

Claim Digital Badge

Sharing Digital Badge

How secure is my GDA digital badge?

This is covered globally by the Credly Inc Terms of Use and Privacy Policy